Rockingham MAS
2021 Sale Info
2021 Sale Order: Steer, Hog, Lamb, Goat
2021 Buyer FAQ's
Who do I make my check out to?
Please make checks payable to: Rockingham County Fair Association.
I am new buyer and don’t understand the bidding process. Where can I find more information?
Please read the Buyers Guide at this pdf:
If you have any additional questions or still need some help, please email Rosemary Life at or Sam Leech at
Can I bring my own lawn chair?
We will be placing 2 folding chairs together, 6 feet apart throughout the ring to maintain social distancing. If you do not want to sit in the folding chair provided, you may bring your own chair. However, we ask that you set your chairs in the same spot that we had ours so that you will continue to maintain 6 feet of social distancing with your own chairs.
Will buyers receive a meal as previous years?
Yes, buyers will receive either a voucher to the 4-H Food Booth or a ticket for a meal the night of the sale.
Why will I have 2 bidder cards this year?
You will receive a GREEN bidder card and a WHITE bidder card. You will raise your GREEN card if you wish to purchase the animal and send it to the FLOOR. You will need to raise your WHITE card if you wish to purchase the animal and send it to home/slaughter/processing. A volunteer will then bring you a blank slaughter card to fill out.
Why are the slaughter cards blank this year?
Due to all local slaughter/processing facilities being booked until April 2021, you must have already made a pre appointment with them. We did not want to list the options like previous years because in previous years you didn’t have to make a pre-appointment. We will be verifying your pre-appointment against the list provided by the facilities.
Can I pay the night of the sale with a credit card?
Yes, we will take your credit information and it will be run on Monday following the fair. *fees apply
Where do I check out sale night?
If you are PAYING the night of the sale, enter the barn office and pay inside. If you only wish to view your invoice, we have installed 2 windows facing the show ring for buyers to get their INVOICE ONLY. Please stand 6 feet apart while waiting in line to check out and pay in order to maintain social distancing.
If you do not pay the night of the sale, please reach out to the Rockingham County Fair the following week to process your payment.
Where can I find Sale Orders before I get to the fair on Friday?
We will be posting Sale Orders as they are ready on the website or you can follow this link:
COVID Sale Updates
Slaughter & Processing:
Due to COVID-19 there has been a high demand for local processed meat, and many of our local processors are booked until April 2022. You may have to consider Flooring more animals than normal or taking the animals home with you and feeding them out to finish for slaughter at a later time.
Due to this high demand of local processed market animals this year, you MUST make an appointment with a Slaughter/Processing facility or have your own arrangements made BEFORE THE FAIR/SALE. If you need assistance in finding a Slaughter/Processing facility, please call the Rockingham Extension Office at 540-564-3080 and ask for Sam Leech or Rosemary Life.
Slaughter Cards:
We typically give each buyer a “Slaughter Card” for every animal purchased. The buyer would then select where they wanted the animal to go (FLOOR, HOME, SLAUGHTER). ALL ANIMALS ARE ASSUMED GOING TO THE FLOOR…. UNLESS YOU FILL OUT A SLAUGHTER CARD. The slaughter card will have an area for you to fill in your slaughter/processor/home info. You must have already made an appointment with a facility/home before listing them on the card. When you check out, we will cross reference a list from the slaughter/processors to ensure that you have already made an appointment with them. If you are not on their list, you will have to take the animal home yourself, sell back to the floor, or make different arrangements. You are responsible for making transportation/hauling arrangements to home or to the slaughter/processor facility of your choice.
Sample Slaughter Card: CLICK HERE!
Bidder Cards: This year, you will be given 2 bidder cards per registration number. You will receive a white bidder card labeled HOME/SLAUGHTER and a green bidder card labeled FLOOR. If the animal you purchased will be going to the FLOOR, hold your green card up (you will not have to fill out a slaughter card like years before if the animal is going to the floor). If the animal you purchased will be going to HOME or SLAUGHTER, hold your white bidder card up and a volunteer will bring you a slaughter card to fill out.
Representatives: We know many of you enjoy attending the sale each year, but to help with social distancing, please keep the number of business/buyer representatives attending the sale as minimal as possible.
Ribbons: Youth will not be delivering ribbons to your seat as usual, you will receive your buyer ribbon when you check-out at the barn office.
Check-Out: If you wish to PAY the night of the sale, come inside the barn office to check out. If you only wish to view your invoice, go to the windows of the barn office that face towards the sale ring. We will be cleaning and disinfecting high traffic areas periodically throughout the sale. Please make checks payable to: Rockingham County Fair Association.
Credit Card Payment: If you wish to pay by credit card the night of the sale, we will collect your credit information and charges will be applied Monday after the sale through the Rockingham County Fairgrounds.
Tele-Auction/Buyers Committee: We understand if you feel uncomfortable attending the sale in person. If you would like to still support our sale from home, please reach out to the Buyers Committee (Donnie Liskey, 540-434-0495). We will also be having a live online auction following the in-person auction where you may bid on animals from the comfort of your home. The sale orders will not be posted until after the completion of that specie show since animals are sold in the order of class placings. If you will be bidding online, please pre-register through Allied Auctioneers (the red button above). If you will be bidding in person, please register with the blue button above.
Buyers Dinner: The 2021 Buyers Appreciation Dinner is tentatively set for Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at the Rockingham County Fair Exhibit Hall.
For the most recent and up to date information, please visit our new website and click the BUYERS tab:
If you have any questions about any of the above updates, please reach out to the Rockingham County Extension Office at 540-564-3080 and ask for Sam Leech ( or Rosemary Life (