Rockingham MAS
Buyers Committee
The buyers committee was established to assist 4-H & FFA members in soliciting new support for the livestock sale. This in no way takes the place of individual 4-H & FFA members marketing their own animals by personal contact. With the growing number of entries, the need for continued and new support is great. The committee was set up to identify and contact business in the area who have not supported the sale in the past or that do not wish to attend the actual live sale to bid on animals.
We encourage each buyer to attend personally but in the event you are unable to or choose not to attend, but would still like to support the program, the buyers committee is prepared to take your donation and do the bidding/buying for you. You can select certain species (steer, hog, lamb, or goat) to support, or just add your donation to be spread across the sale as needed. One goal of this committee is to see that prices remain stable for all members throughout the entire sale. Your company still has the same two options of purchasing the animal for home use or reselling it at the floor price and paying only the difference for advertising costs of your business.
If you have questions regarding the sale, how the buyers committee works, or would like to speak with someone on the buyer's committee to receive more information on how to support the auction by purchasing by proxy, please contact the Rockingham Extension Office at 564-3080 or Donnie Liskey, Buyers Committee Chair at 540-434-0495.
All proxy bids should be received by a Buyer's Committee member NO later than the Friday before fair week by 5PM.
Buyer's Committee Members:
Donald H. Liskey, Chairperson (Contact Person at 540-434-0495)
W.W. Cupp, Retired FFA Advisor
Dave Walker II, 4-H Volunteer
Lynn Koontz, Local Producer
Bob Threewitts, Business Supporter