Rockingham MAS
Livestock Committee
Chairman (votes only in tie): Wayne Cupp
Vice Chairman (discussion only): Jeremy Daubert
Secretary (discussion only): Connie Liskey
Treasurer (discussion only): Lisa Ruhlman
4-H/FFA Executive Committee (discussion only)
Hog: Jeremy Daubert (4-H/Extension) & John Welsh (FFA)
Lamb: Jeremy Daubert (4-H/Extension) & Herb Hoffeditz (FFA)
Goat: John Benner (4-H/Extension) & Sarah Keyser (FFA)
Steer: Caroline Turner (4-H/Extension) & Kendall Simmons (FFA)
FFA Advisors – Appointed by the Rockingham County Ag Ed Teachers Association (1 vote per person)
Hannah Campbell
Codi Jo Wheelbarger
Kacie Miller
Herb Hoffeditz
4-H Adult Volunteers – Appointed by the Rockingham 4-H Leaders Association (1 vote per person)
Susie Diehl (October 2022 – September 2024)
Timmy Dove (October 2023 – September 2025)
VCE – Extension Staff (2 votes total)
John Benner
Ashley Craun
Jeremy Daubert
Caroline Turner
Committee Chairs Standing Committees (1 vote per committee)
Cathy Seal – Sale Committee
Rhonda Monger – Sale Committee
Donnie Liskey – Buyers Committee
Leslie Dove and Brandy Wisman – Buyers Appreciation Committee
David Walker and Tammy Craun – Finance Committee
Species Chairpersons (I vote per species)
David Liskey and Holly Coffman – Steers
Eric Stogdale and Shelley Ellington – Hogs
Brooke Pennybacker & Robbie McCammon – Lambs
Shelvin Arey and Elizabeth Myers – Goats
Youth representatives – Appointed by the Youth of Specie Subcommittees (1 vote per person)
Malaina Ritchie